What Is The Best Water Filtration System?
Some things just aren’t like they used to be, we’ve all thought it and probably said it aloud. From kitchen appliances and vehicles to the water we drink, nothing is as good as it once was, so it seems. The drinking water today doesn’t taste as good, too often it has chemical or metallic taste. Which is why more homeowners are having water filtration system installed.
The water in our homes has been deemed and found to be safe for consumption, yet, the quality of that water can be comprised. This is found to be true when the water is discolored or tastes bad. Both or either are reason to be concerned and make you wonder what is a good water filtration system should you have installed or purchase.
817-438-6142What is the best water filtration system? No two homes or the families in them are alike, so there isn’t one right answer. The specifics of the water problems each home is facing will determine the best water filtration system. What any homeowner needs to do is their due diligence of investigating and researching. Become the educated and informed homeowner so that you can make the best decision for you, our family, and your home.
By integrating the home plumbing with a whole-house water filtration system at the point where the water enters the home, every single drop that comes into the home will be filtered. Some homeowner find that to be an overkill, but if you have multiple water fixtures in your home, the whole house water filtration system will be worth the extra money.
No water filtration system is going to be 100% effective, but in all honesty, that really isn’t necessary anyway. However, the importance of selecting the right water filter takes grasping a clear understanding how the different technologies in water filtration systems compare to each another. Let’s review the different systems:
- Reverse Osmosis. RO may be the most effective type because it forces water through a multiple stages of filtration process. The first stage is a sediment prefilter that screens out sand and silt, the larger particulates. The next stage is carbon filter that removes organic contaminants that affect the odor and taste water. Then the last stage is the semipermeable membrane that filters out the chemical contaminants. Some RO filters haves a fourth stage that is the polishing stage. RO water filtration system do not diminish the existence of microorganisms.
- Ultraviolet Light. When it comes to water filtration systems, this is a relatively newcomer. UV (ultraviolet) water purification does what RO doesn’t which is killing germs and preventing bacteria and virus from being transmitted. Yes there is chlorine treatment at the municipal water plant before it gets to your home, but UV continues working where the chlorine quits. It removes 99.99 percent of the microorganisms that the chlorine left.
- Activated Charcoal. This type of water filtration system is most common in drinking water systems. The carbon-based filter capitalizes on the special characteristic of charcoal: Common organic impurities bind to the craggy surface of the charcoal naturally. However, in its natural state, there isn’t enough surface adequate filter the water.
Is reverse osmosis the best way to purify water?
Experts tout Reverse Osmosis as being the best water filtration system you can have. It is economical and provides and efficient purification method for your everyday tap water. With a professionally designed system, RO is also the ideal pretreatment for high purity grade water polishing systems.
Is reverse osmosis water bad for you?
Some experts will tell you that the ideal water for consumption is rich in minerals. Minerals that add nutrition like inorganic matter like rocks that are found in the earth’s layers, i.e. calcium, magnesium, and potassium.
Reverse osmosis water filtration system filters out more contaminants than a regular water filtration system. While it removes arsenic, bacteria, chlorine, fluoride, lead, pharmaceuticals, and sodium, as well as a host of other contaminants, it is also removing the good minerals we need for our bodies. The lack of these minerals can have a negative effect on the body.
While it isn’t the ideal solution, a remineralization filter can be added to RO water filtration system that adds some of the mineral content back that the RO system removed.
Which is better, filtered water or reverse osmosis?
Both are effective water filtration systems and reduce unwanted contaminants, but they work differently. An activated carbon water filtration system removes organic compounds. What it doesn’t remove is calcium and magnesium, heavy metals like fluorine, lead, microbes, and salts.
A RO water filtration system isn’t as effective in removing Benzene and Toluene, Trihalomethanes (THMs), solvents, VOC, and other organic chemicals. A RO water filtration systems has a small amount of wastewater during its filtering process.
Which is better depends on your needs and the water where you live. It is recommended to have your water tested before you buy any type of water filtration system. This will tell you exactly what your water has too much or not enough of.
Are home water filtration systems worth it?
Most definitely! No matter how strict the city, state, or federal regulations are on water consumption, there is still the possibilities of contamination entering in the system at some point, even if it’s on your end of the water meter. In regard to private wells, the amount of agricultural chemicals, disease-producing pathogens, and multitudes of hazardous household products can contaminate the ground the water well is installed. Again, having your water tested will tell you what type of water filtration system is best for your home..
Does a water filtration system add value to home?
Yes, what may seem like a luxury can actually be an attraction to some buyers. Installing a whole-house water filtration system will add value to your home and knowing that they are getting filtered water from every faucet is an impression that home buyers won’t overlook.
Is a water filtration system tax deductible?
For a household that has anyone with eczema, psoriasis, or uses a CPAP machine, yes, a water filtration system is tax-deductible. Therefore, having a whole house water filtration system could get you a tax advantage.
What a water filtration system with salt, are there benefits to these? Yes, a water filtration system with salt will remove the calcium and magnesium 100%. These are matters that are hard on the plumbing system, so if the content is high in your area and you experience a lot of plumbing issues, you may want to consider a water filtration system with salt.
However, for human consumption, this could backfire for anyone with high blood pressure or heart issues because it will increase your salt intake. Bottled water without salt may be needed for consuming while the water filtration system with salt is good for bathing, cleaning, and laundry. Call 817-244-4370 today for your water filtration system in Fort Worth, TX.